Linguine with pesto sauce

Linguine with pesto sauce



  • 1 kg of linguine pasta
  • 30 g of Pecorino Toscano PDO
  • 30 g of Parmesan cheese
  • 400 g of basil
  • 30 g of pine nuts
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • EVO oil to taste
  • Salt to taste


Wash and cut the basil. Put it in the cutter, add the previously skinned garlic, pine nuts, and oil, then blend. Add the grated Pecorino Toscano PDO and Parmesan cheese and continue blending, adding some oil if necessary. You have to obtain a homogeneous sauce. Cook the linguine pasta in boiling salted water, drain it and mix it with the pesto sauce. Sprinkle with grated Pecorino Toscano PDO and serve.

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Pecorino Toscano PDO pie


Pecorino Toscano PDO pie



  • “0” Flour g 500
  • Pig fat or butter g 125
  • Brewer’s yeast g 30
  • Eggs 3
  • Egg yolks 1
  • Pecorino Toscano PDO g 250
  • Ripened Pecorino Toscano PDO g 600
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Prepare the raw with 150 g of flour, 70 g of tepid water and 10 g of brewer’s yeast. Shape into a small ball and let it rise at 28°C until its volume doubles. On the next day, mix the remaining flour to the dough, the yeast (which is always dissolved in tepid water yeast), the pig’s fat, the fresh and the ripened Pecorino Toscano DOP, the entire eggs, the yolks, salt and pepper. Work the dough for a while and put it in a “Panettone” mold. Let it rise until it reaches the edge of the mold. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 1 hour. Remove from the oven and allow it to cool down. To be served with sliced salami.

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Calzoni with Pecorino Toscano PDO


Calzoni with Pecorino Toscano PDO



  • “00” Flour g 1000
  • Potato pulp g 150
  • Water g 450
  • Brewer’s yeast g 25
  • Tuscan oil PGI g 60
  • Table salt g 20
  • Fresh Pecorino Toscano PDO g 600
  • Thick tomato pulp g 200
  • Grated Pecorino Toscano PDO g 100
  • Basil leafs to taste
  • Oregano to taste
  • Egg white to taste
  • Frying oil to taste

Proceeding for the dough

Dissolve the yeast in 400 ml of tepid water. Add sugar and the smashed potato pulp and then pour the mix in a well in the center of the flour. Work the dough for a couple of minutes and pour gently the remaining water, salt and oil. Work for 10 minutes at least in order to get a smooth, flexible and quite soft dough. Cover and let rise for at least 1 hour.

The stuffing

Dice the fresh Pecorino Toscano DOP and mix to the grated Pecorino Toscano DOP, the minced basil, the grinded tomato and then dress it with salt and pepper. Roll out until the pasta becomes a few millimeters thick. Cut it with a rounded pastry cutter of 8 cm diameter. Then, add one spoon of stuffing at the center of each disc. Brush the edges with the beaten egg withe. Fold in the middle pushing the air out and sealing properly their edges to close the “calzoni”.
Let it rise another hour and brown both sides in hot oil.

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Margherita pizza with Pecorino Toscano PDO


Margherita pizza with Pecorino Toscano PDO


Ingredients for the dough

  • “0” flour g 1000
  • Water ml 600
  • Brewers’ yeast g 30
  • Salt g 20

The seasoning

  • Peeled tomatoes g 800
  • Basil leafs to taste
  • Oregano to taste
  • Ripened Pecorino Toscano PDO g 600

Procedimento per l’impasto

Disporre la farina a fontana, aggiungere il lievito sciolto in acqua tiepida, unire la farina, il sale e impastare. Far riposare per circa 30 minuti e dividere in parti del peso e della forma voluti. Far lievitare a 28°C per circa un’ora.

Per la farcitura della pizza margherita

Versare il pomodoro in una bacinella, aggiungere il sale, l’olio, origano, il basilico e mescolare. Tagliare a dadini il Pecorino Toscano DOP. Stendere l’impasto della pizza, condire con il pomodoro e il Pecorino Toscano DOP. Infornare a 200°C.

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Insalata Nizzarda con Pecorino Toscano DOP

Niçoise salad with Pecorino Toscano DOP


Niçoise salad with Pecorino Toscano DOP



  • Potatoes g 1000
  • Beans g 600
  • Red tomatoes g 800
  • Black olives 40
  • Hard-boiled eggs 5
  • Anchovy filet 20
  • Fresh Pecorino Toscano DOP g 600
  • Caper 50

The Vinaigrette sauce

  • Tuscan oil PGI g 190
  • Vinegar g 60
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Wash the potatoes and the beans and then break the bean’s edges.
Boil the potatoes and the beans separately.
Peel the potatoes and disc cut 3 millimeters thick slices. Disc cut the eggs. Divide tomatoes into segments and pit the olives.
Prepare the vinaigrette sauce blending all the ingredients. Use the vinaigrette to season the potatoes, beans and tomatoes one at a time.
Divide the Pecorino into segments.
Creatively arrange the vegetables on the dish and then garnish with the remaining ingredients and the pecorino.

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Girasoli with chestnut honey and Pecorino Toscano DOP


Girasoli with chestnut honey and Pecorino Toscano DOP


Ingredients for the filling

  • Fresh Pecorino
  • Toscano DOP g 400
  • Flour g 10
  • Water ml 150
  • Orange and lemon peel to taste

The dough

  • Bran flour g 500
  • Eggs 1
  • Water ml 170
  • Pig fat g 50
  • Frying oil to taste
  • Strawberry tree
  • honey to taste


Roughly cut the Pecorino Toscano PDO and put in a saucepan with 10 grams of flour, 150 ml of water and the grated lemon and orange peel. Cook the mix and stir continually until it becomes creamy, thick and homogeneous. Form 10 piles of dough on a parchment paper and squeeze until they get 4-5 millimeters thick discs, then let it cool down completely.
Work the dough with 500 g or flour, one egg, 170-180 ml of tepid salted water and the pig fat until the dough becomes well worked and quite soft. Let it rest and roll out into a rectangular-shaped thin layer. Put the cheese discs on one side, cover with the remaining dough and firmly squeeze. Cut the dough with a fluted pastry cutter leaving at least 1 cm edges in order to get ten big rounded raviolis. Fry the girasoli in abundant hot oil. Drain, dry and bathe into slightly tepid honey before serving.

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Fiadoni with Pecorino Toscano DOP


Fiadoni with Pecorino Toscano DOP


Ingredients for the dough

  • “0” flour g 600
  • Sugar g 100
  • Butter g 100
  • Eggs 5
  • Tuscan oil PGI g 15

The filling

  • Fresh Pecorino Toscano PDO g 500
  • Eggs 4
  • Sugar g 60
  • Vanillin bag 1
  • Grated lemon peel 1

The finishing

  • Eggs 1


Make a well in the center of the flour and pour on the pastry board and add sugar, eggs, the scrambled yolks, the softened butter and the oil. Work until it become smooth and soft. Wrap in a napkin and let it rest. In the meantime get the filling ready: scramble the eggs in a terracotta bowl, add cheese, sugar, grated lemon peel and vanillin. Roll out the dough with the rolling pin until it you get a thin layer. Cut some discs using a middle size dish. Pour on every disc two spoons of filling. Bend in a half-moon shape and seal the edges with the appropriate pastry cutter. Scramble a yolk in order to paint every disc’s surface and use a fork to riddle with holes. Put in the oven at 180°C for about 30 minutes.

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Cheesecake with Pecorino Toscano PDO and wild berries


Cheesecake with Pecorino Toscano PDO and wild berries


Ingredients for the shortcrust pastry

  • Flour g 500
  • Butter g 100
  • Sugar g 200
  • Eggs 3
  • Grated lemon peel 1
  • Vanilla bean ½
  • Salt to taste
  • Chemical-yeast g 10

The cream cheese

  • Fresh Pecorino Toscano PDO g 300
  • Milk ml 500
  • sheep’s milk ricotta from Tuscany g 400
  • Vanilla bean ½
  • Eggs 2
  • Grated lemon and juice 1
  • Starch g 40

The soft fruit sauce

  • Soft fruit g 200
  • Sugar g 50
  • Kirsch cherry liqueur ml 30
  • Isinglass g 5

Proceeding for the shortcrust pastry

Make a well in the center of the flour and add the remaining ingredients to the already softened butter. Work slowly the dough trying not to heat it with the hands (which could make it crumble). Therefore, fold it with a cling film and keep it cool for 2-3 hours before use.

The cream cheese

Soften in milk the dice cut Pecorino Toscano DOP. Melt it over a water bath, add sugar, the flavoring and bind it to the starch. Mix the eggs’ yolks, add the ricotta and blend until you get a smooth mix.

The soft fruit sauce

Cook the soft fruit at 70°C. Add sugar and the previously melt in the liqueur isinglass.


Cover the plastic molds with the shortcrust pastry. Riddle with holes and fill with the cream cheese. Bake at 175°C until it browns. Cool down and garnish with the soft fruits.

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Gnudi: ricotta and spinach gnocchi with tomato sauce


Gnudi: ricotta and spinach gnocchi with tomato sauce


Ingredients per 6 persons

  • 700 gr fresh spinach
  • 95 gr Flour 00
  • 350 gr fresh ricotta
  • 50 gr fresh pecorino toscano
  • 70 gr olive oil
  • 1 pc garlic
  • 1 egg
  • Salt a pinch
  • Pepper a pinch
  • Nutmeg

Tomato sauce

  • 8 datterino tomatoes
  • olive oil
  • fresh basil
  • salt and pepper


Wash and make dry the spinach; meanwhile in a pan warmi it up the oiland add the garlic. Saute the spinach in the pan, cover it and let them cook at slow fire for 8 minutes. When they are soft and take the taste of the garlic you can remove the garlic . Transfer the spinach in a strainer for remove the execc of the liquid. Strain also the ricotta for remove the exec of water. Mix the spinach with the ricotta then add the salt,pepper,nutmeg,pecorino and the egg. Add the flour precedently sifted and mix with care all the ingredients. When the dought is done start to do some ball around 20 gr each.

Prepare the tomato sauce. Saute the tomatoes in hot olive oil and season it with salt and pepper. In a boiling water cook the Gnudi untill they start to come on the surface of the water. Strain carefully the pasta and mix with the sauce gently for don’t break it. Add the fresh basil and serve it. Finish the plate with a generous sprinkle of aged Pecorino Toscano DOP.

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Tortelli with Pecorino Toscano in spicy sauce


Tortelli with Pecorino Toscano in spicy sauce


Ingredients for 4 persons

For the pasta:

  • 300 g of whole-wheat flour,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 1 tablespoon of Tuscan extra-virgin olive oil,
  • 1/2 a glass of water,
  • salt to taste.

For the filling:

  • 200 g of fresh Pecorino Toscano,
  • 100 g of seasoned Pecorino Toscano,
  • 100 g of fresh ricotta cheese,
  • 1 egg and 1 yoke

For the sauce:

  • 200 g of tomatoes,
  • 120 g of Tuscan extra-virgin olive oil,
  • 1 red onion,
  • 1/2 a glass Tuscan red wine,
  • 1 glass of warm water,
  • 1 fresh, thinly sliced chilli pepper.


Preparing the pasta:

Dissolve the salt in the water, knead it with all the other ingredients until you have a soft dough, wrap it with a damp cloth and let it sit for 1 hour.

Preparing the filling:

Shred the fresh and seasoned Pecorino Toscano, knead it with the ricotta cheese and the egg, then let it sit for 20 minutes in the fridge.
Then, stretch the dough so that it is about 3 mm thick, cut it into squares of about 10 cm, spread the filling on the squares, with the aid of a tablespoon, fold them into triangles and seal the edges with a fork.

Preparing the sauce

Cut the tomatoes cross-wise on the bottom, then boil them for -5 minutes, peel and slice them. Slice the onion, fry it with the tomatoes in oil on a low flame until they start crumbling apart, add salt and then the wine.  Let the wine evaporate and then add the water, chilli pepper, and cook it until it is fresh.
Cook the tortelli, rinse and dry them, then arrange them on a dish; add the sauce and serve the dish with a decoration of minced parsley.

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